Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My 15 Killer SEO Copywriting Advice


Hey guys!

You all know that my blog is all about blogging and monetizing the blog but now after writing much about blogging, I feel like writing some of my next posts on SEO and SEO copywriting advice.

I don?t need to say that SEO is an inseparable part of blogging and thus now I will try to share some of the SEO tips and techniques which I am using.

I know that most of my readers are established bloggers and are well aware of the SEO tips but still I want to share my experiences and tips.

I am enlisting here 15 of my best tips on how to write killer SEO friendly content for your blog. I decided to write on this topic because SEO copywriting plays a very important role in bringing high traffic to your website.

First let me tell you what SEO copywriting is! It is an art of writing a good article based on search engine optimization.

However there are many professional SEO Copywriters but trust me, they charge very high.

I don?t know about you all but I can?t afford them. So I do it for myself and I believe that after reading my tips mentioned below you will also be able to write your own SEO copywrite content and bring huge traffic in your website.

1. Give Your Best At Writing -

I have mentioned this tip earlier also in many of my blog posts like here and the reason behind is that content is king for any blog. Good and original content is one of the major requisites to run a blog successfully.

So this has to be on top of the list obviously. The entire search engines including Google love the good and original content. Not just the search engines but the readers also love to read good content and you know that when users like some content get link to it and Google love such inbound links.

Having good content and high quality inbound links gives your blog high page rank and that is what we all are working for. Right?

Now, if you ask me how to write a good content, the only tip which I follow is to use most appropriate and relevant content in my blog post.

You know what? People usually try focusing on a single keyword and use it everywhere in the blog post. I know you by using the keywords many times, you just want to attract Google Crawlers but sadly Google sees it differently.

Google actually finds it a shallow article with keyword stuffing and will bring it down the search pages. On the other hand if you use different but relevant words in your post, Google finds it authoritative, informative and useful for readers.

So what I do is using the synonyms of my target keywords in my post.

2. Use Catchy Headlines -

It is the headline which draws the attention of the reader. Make sure that the headlines are short and snappy. Using keyword in headlines is again a good idea to bring Google to your blog page. I spend several hours to choose a powerful headline for my blog posts.

3. H1 Is Important In SEO Copywriting-

H1 tag in title is very important for your content and plays a major role in attracting the Google Crawlers. Make sure that the words used in your title are very well used in your content as well.

Do you know what the role of H1 tag is? It actually provides a high degree emphasis on your selected keyword. Some of the bloggers usually overlook the importance of H1 tag but let me tell you that using H1 tag is one of the golden SEO copywriting advice.

Not only H1, but H2 and H3 tags are also important to get good place in Google search results. Trust me Google respects the hierarchical article the most.

Don?t Miss: Why I Think SEO Is Still Alive After Google Penguin Update

4. Maintain Keyword Density -

Keywords are what we write upon and so the targeted keyword should be placed well in your content. Best placements include, beginning of the post, in main paragraphs and in the end.

Do not make a mistake of stuffing the keywords unnecessarily in the article. Google is smart enough to trash it from its search results.

5. Use Ctrl+U, Ctrl+I And Ctrl+B -

It is very important to emphasize the keywords in the article. It not just helps the Google to track your post but also help the readers to understand what your article is about.

Using underline, bold and italic are the best ways to emphasize the keywords.

You know what all the words that you underline bold and italic are considered as keywords by Google crawlers, so you better use these shortcuts carefully.

6. Use Meta tags -

Google love to see same Title and Description, however repeated keywords may also annoy Google. I want to say that you should use the title?s keywords in both Description and Title but don?t repeat the keywords unnecessarily or else Google will take it as spam.

Don?t Miss: Effect Of Google Panda Update On Online Marketing

7. Bullets and Numbers -

When I search for something on Google, I always prefer reading the posts having bullets or numbers. I don?t know why but such posts seem to be easily understandable.

Same is the thing with Google; I guess Google is very much like me as it also loves the posts having bullets or numbers included.

8. File Names -

Whichever files you are using in your post must contain the keywords. Understood?

What I mean is that when you add some file in your post, like an image file, make sure that the file name has the keywords in it. You know how it will help you

When you use keywords in the file name, all the URLs of your posts will contain a keyword which will definitely give you SEO benefit.

Correct me if I am wrong.

9. Don?t Forget To Crosslink Your Articles -

It is a very good idea to increase the page views considerably but remember not to interlink irrelevant content. You should cross link the pages only when the anchor text is purely relevant to the page you are linking it to.

Along with increasing the page views it also help Google to know what your other pages are about.

I recommend SEO Smart Links ? Premium Edition for that. It improve your search engine rankings by automatically cross-linking your posts either in automatic or in user-set mode. It also helps you manage your affiliate links and much more. Click to read the full list of features and buy here.

10. Try Getting Useful External Links -

Interlinks are useful but external links also equally important so try getting some useful and high quality external links as well.

It?s easy!
Just add an outbound link to some authoritative high page rank blog.

But again fact is that Relevancy matters a lot. Never try to fool Google by linking irrelevant blog pages. It is proven fact that Google ranks the pages with outbound links higher than those having no outbound links.

One very important point ? Don?t ever link a penalized page with your website or else your page will also be penalized.

11. Do You Know About Content-To-Code Ratio -

Content-to-code is ratio between the amount of code and amount of text. It is also termed as signal-to-noise ratio. Not much people know about it but it is important.

Your web pages and posts must have a high content-to-code ratio that means text in your post must be more than the HTML code.

You can check it from the View Page Source. Google love more content and less HTML.

12. Avoid Using Flash -

I never understand why people use Flash in their websites when it is the biggest enemy of SEO. You know what! I never like to visit sites having Flash; it is a real pain for waiting the Flash slide to open. It irritates users and drive them to next search result immediately.

I don?t know whether you know or not but the data embedded in a Flash file is never indexed and thus is not visible in the search engine pages.

13. Avoid frames

Frames Suck!!!!


This is what I feel. Actually the frames breaks the navigation of your website and let me tell you that if you are using frames in your website, Google will index only page having frame, I mean the home page.

14. Plurals And Synonyms Work -

This is my personal tip as I do this. Using plurals and synonyms of keywords make your article relevant search queries done with phrases relevant to your keyword. This way your post will qualify for more search terms and will obviously bring more visits and visitors.

Using plurals brings you the visitors searching both singular and plurals but singular words will not bring people searching for plurals.

Got my point?

15. Embed Your Links -

Don?t leave your links secluded, embed it with correct text. Google ignores the isolated links. But again relevancy is important.

Good luck!

If you enjoyed reading about SEO copywriting. Please SUBSCRIBE to my blog.

Amrik Virdi is a professional blogger & blog consultant from Kharagpur, India. Monetize Blogging is all about blogging tips and tutorials blog. Read More.

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Source: http://www.monetizeblogging.com/seo-copywriting.html

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